Many internal and external factors influence our perception if life. An example of an internal influence is our senses. What we see, hear, touch, say and smell highly influences our perceptions of certain things. Our age is another example. A teenager’s perspective of

technology differs from a 40-year old’s, therefore their perception also differ. Culture plays an important role in our perception. Different cultures have different ways of interpreting experiences, values and practices. Race, ethnicity, gender, economic class and age are external fact

ors that influence our perceptions. Religion, spirituality and sexual orientation are internal influences. Social rules such as being respectful to your elder influence our perception. Our role in society and how we should act influences too. Our perceptions are influenced by others and by our own senses. For example, I love to pass by Mr. Dougherty’s room because he laughs at my jokes and I laugh at his. The way he responds to my jokes influences my perception of him and his class. I like to be short becaus

e someone once told me short people are the ones with the biggest heart, what this person said shaped my perception about short people. I liked putting chinches on my foot but last time I hurt my toe with one so my experience with chinches gave me the perception that I could hurt myself again. I like sleeping with my grandma because when I was younger she used to have presents for me every time I slept with her, and now even though she does not give me presents I feel really comfortable and happy when I sleep there. The way my grandma treated me influenced my perception of her. I hate going to Boston because once my family and I went there for Christmas and it was the first time I had been a

way from home and my grandparents for the holiday so it brings me bad memories. This trip gave me a bad perception of Boston. I don’t like going to the dentist because every time I go there or the dentist huts my cheek or tells me I have to come again meaning that my she won’t take my braces any day soon. The pain caused by my braces reflects upon a bad perception towards dentists. Perception is shaped by our experiences.
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